Friday, 30 October 2009

Clear skyes, 30+, happy litle plants :-)

Oh crap... ıt's comin'

Water (bottle) fountaın

Welcome to Nature

Rent this rental place

Antalyan light tower from back in the day

Let's go down south...

Message in the bottle...

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tukish delights

So here we are wıth our new found brother Ahmed. A young Kurdısh paınter wıth great talent and a fıne selectıon of Kurdısh and Pakıstanı suffı musıc.

Hey there... is anyone at home?!

These early christians knew how to go underground.

Jamming with some fine Turkish people. Anatolian music makes you high...I garatie.

Pako loves Turkye.

Kapadokya, where people lived in these cities carved into stones of all shapes. Such a Flinstones sceene.

When the Muezzin calls...

The tumb of the greatest Turk ever.

Ataturk R.I.P.

Someting smells fishy. Some proud shopkeepers in Ankara.

Sweet-sweet day out wıth some new and some good old frıends on a wee little island near Istambul.

Out and about...

The Bazars of Istambul...the whole world is for sale.

Rare picture... no boats on the Bosporus.

And Islam is here to stay.

Care for a cup of cai?

Some good ol' leftist propaganda from Istambul.

Monday, 12 October 2009

From Keleti down south trough the Balkan

Old and (not so) new in Sofia suburbs.

Pumpkin season in Sofia. Step right up..!

And Bucharest downtown under construction (I guess)

People's house of Bucharest. Thanx to the big megaloman' leader, the second biggest office building on the planet.

So this would be Brassow(wood) main square.

Transylvania you magical :-)

Sunday, 11 October 2009


This is something real-real deep. So deep, words can't even capture it. The profoundness itself.